Reinhard StockmannAxel Borrmann

Das Evaluationssystem in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit


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New development-policy agenda and respective donor commitments e.g. towards poverty reduction, results orientation and mutual accountability of donors and partners have a tremendous bearing on evaluation in this policy field. What is needed are inter alia more complex evaluation designs and methods, a stronger national and international networking of institutions and ownership of partners. This paper examines whether Germany as a leading donor has an evaluation system at hand to meet these new requirements. Drawing on in-depth case studies covering 20 German aid agencies and using national and international evaluation standards as reference, it concludes that, despite significant efforts, there is still enormous institutional, conceptual, terminological and methodological heterogeneity, which calls for immediate reforms towards an urgently needed system formation and quality improvements.

Stockmann, R. & Borrmann A. (2009). Das Evaluationssystem in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 8(2), .