Ausgabe 2/2006, 5. Jahrgang
Uwe Neugebauer, Wolfgang Beywl
Methoden zur Netzwerkanalyse
Artikel kaufenAbstract
This article describes and reflects instruments and methodological approaches to the evaluation of social networks. All evaluations were carried out as order-driven by the client, with the networks and not the outputs or outcomes as the target of the analyses. The empirical approaches of four studies with in total 16 networks are described. In the first instance, there will be a specification of the issue with a short description of the features of social networks. In study 1, a participative-orientated approach was conducted. In study 2 the SWOT-method was used. In study 3, the concept of focus groups is described. Study 4 used a quantitative approach with a standardized questionnaire. Study 4 describes a structural model of social networks on an empirical basis.
Neugebauer, U. & Beywl W. (2006). Methoden zur Netzwerkanalyse. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 5(2), .