Ausgabe 2/2018, 24. Jahrgang S. 206–227
Carla Schelle, Christophe Straub
Zur Konstituierung moralischer Vorstellungen vor 1968 – fachliche und methodische Perspektiven transnationaler deutsch-französischer Unterrichtsrekonstruktionen
Artikel kaufenAbstract
Two exemplary classroom situations in the field of historical and political education in France and Germany focus both on the transnational event of 1968 and the sexual morals. By pursuing the research question, the constitution of the ‘object’ in both situations, it should be analyzed if that one follows rather local, national or transnational patterns. Concerning the methodology, it is also about to show the potentials going along with a comparative, interpretative classroom research in view of the thesis of a national reproduction of school. The results are ambiguous, and the constitution of the ‘object’ refers to both transnational aspects of traditional sexual morals as well as to specific local and national contexts.
Schelle, C. & Straub C. (2018). Zur Konstituierung moralischer Vorstellungen vor 1968 – fachliche und methodische Perspektiven transnationaler deutsch-französischer Unterrichtsrekonstruktionen. Tertium Comparationis, 24(2), 206-227.