Wiebke LangerJulia BrunsJan Erhorn

Development and Validation of a Video-Based Test Instrument to Measure Noticing With Regard to Providing Individual Learning Support in Inclusive Physical Education

Kurzlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART105383
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/jero.2023.01.03

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Noticing is considered to be of crucial importance for professional action of physical education (PE) teachers especially in inclusive PE. In order to ensure an appropriate consideration of individual learning conditions and processes in the planning and implementation of lessons, teachers must selectively focus their attention on events in a complex and interactive gym situation that are relevant for the individual learning support of the students and interpret them on a theoretical basis. Noticing, which includes selective attention and knowledge-based reasoning, is regarded as a central prerequisite for enabling the (PE) teacher to provide all students individual learning support in PE. It has not yet been investigated how well physical education teacher education (PETE) programs succeed in promoting the competence facet of noticing in the area of individual learning support in inclusive PE. This is also due to the fact that there are not yet any instruments for the valid psychometric measurement of the construct. In the context of this paper, the development and validation of a standardized, video vignette-based test instrument for the measurement of noticing of prospective PE teachers with regard to providing individual learning support is presented. The validation focuses on the content of the test and the internal structure of the instrument as well as on correlations with conceptually related constructs. The findings to date indicate that the test instrument ViProQiS_IF was able to provide a standardized measurement of noticing with regard to providing individual learning support in inclusive PE.

Langer, W., Bruns, J. & Erhorn J. (2023). Entwicklung und Validierung eines videobasierten Testinstruments zur Erfassung des Noticing mit dem Fokus auf individuelle Förderung im inklusiven Sportunterricht. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 15(1), 51-73. https://doi.org/10.31244/jero.2023.01.03