Holger GärtnerFelicitas ThielChristopher KellermannMax Nachbauer

Development of a Theory-Driven Student Questionnaire for Teacher Evaluation

Kurzlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104840
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/jero.2022.01.07

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This article describes the theory-driven development and psychometric evaluation of a student questionnaire for the assessment of teaching quality. The student questionnaire is supposed to be used in the context of formative evaluation within schools. It is based on a model of teaching quality that comprises the domains supporting knowledge acquisition, motivating, and classroom management as well as the lateral dimension individualization. The questionnaire was used on a sample of students in vocational schools. At the first measurement time point, a preliminary version of the student questionnaire was applied. Based on the results, the questionnaire was revised and tested at a second measurement time point. Confirmatory factor analyses yielded a good fit between empirical data and theoretical model. All scales are empirically distinguishable from each other with the exception of one relatively high factor correlation on the class level. Further, reliabilities of the scales are good to very good with one exception. The results suggest that teachers can use the student questionnaire for identifying leverage points for improving their teaching.

teacher evaluation, feedback, teaching quality, student questionnaire

Gärtner, H., Thiel, F., Kellermann, C. & Nachbauer M. (2022). Ein theoriebasierter Schülerfragebogen für Unterrichtsevaluation. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 14(1), 147-173. https://doi.org/10.31244/jero.2022.01.07