Ausgabe 2/2021, 13. Jahrgang S. 62–83
Sebastian Thürer, Nanine Lilla, Wim Nieuwenboom, Marianne Schüpbach
Individual Acculturation Orientation and Prevailing Acculturation Orientation in Class and Their Association with Individual Reading Competence of Ninth Grade Students
The focus of this cross-sectional study is the individual acculturation orientation and the acculturation orientation prevailing in the classroom context and their association with the reading competence of ninth grade students. Acculturation orientation is understood in the sense of Berry (1997) as the individual’s orientation towards the host culture and towards the culture of origin, which in this study is identified in a complex way using latent profile analyses considering affective, behavioral and cognitive aspects. The acculturation profiles identified, assimilated, integrated, segregated, and indifferent, are first considered on the individual level in multilevel analyses to compare the reading competence of students with a migrant background as a function of their acculturation profile with the reading competence achieved by students without a migrant background. Furthermore, the acculturation profiles prevailing in the classroom context are modelled at the class level. At the individual level, results show that students with separated and indifferent acculturation profile achieve lower reading competences than students without a migrant background; at the class level, the proportions of the different acculturation profiles in class show not to be related to the reading competences of the students after the type of school attended has been considered.
latent profile analysis, students with migrant background, class composition, educational inequality, acculturation orientation
Thürer, S., Lilla, N., Nieuwenboom, W. & Schüpbach M. (2021). Individuelle und im Klassenkontext vorherrschende Akkulturationsorientierung und die individuelle Lesekompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern der 9. Klasse. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 13(2), 62-83.