Florian WohlkingerMichael Bayer

Typology of students’ academic habitus in lower secondary education: A quantitative operationalization approach with data from the National Educational Panel Study

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With a qualitative approach based on Bourdieu’s ideas, Kramer et al. (2009) developed a typology of students’ academic habitus in order to analyze the reproduction of social inequality in education. So far, however, their approach has been widely disregarded in quantitative studies. With this paper, we aim at connecting both perspectives and propose an approach to operationalize the concept of students’ academic habitus with quantitative data from the German National Educational Panel Study. In a series of latent-class-analyses with selected variables, we found formally adequate and meaningfully interpretable models, which describe distinct types of students’ academic habitus and show connections to further variables with relevance for educational inequality. However, we also found limits in our analytical approach. These limits are a product of a sophisticated background theory and a broad range of indicators.

Students’ academic habitus; Bourdieu; Latent-Class-Analysis; Social inequality

Wohlkinger, F. & Bayer M. (2020). Typologie des Schülerhabitus in der Sekundarstufe I: Ein quantitativer Operationalisierungsansatz mit Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 12(2), 67-88. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104169