Monja SchmittChristoph HomuthChristian LorenzClaudia Karwath

Does a stamp increase the return in mail surveys?


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In the context of the educational longitudinal study Bildungsprozesse, Kompetenzentwicklung und Selektionsentscheidungen im Vorschul- und Schulalter (BiKS), the response to three different types of franking on return envelopes for student questionnaires was investigated experimentally. The sample of N = 948 students in secondary school, who had to return a paper questionnaire, was randomly divided into three different groups, who either received a postage-paid return envelope, an envelope with a normal stamp out of a vending machine or one with a special stamp (three conditions). Our analyses indicate a significant positive effect of the special stamp on the response rate, especially for families with a lower participation probability.

Mail survey; Stamp; Response rate; Survey response

Schmitt, M., Homuth, C., Lorenz, C. & Karwath C. (2016). Erhöht eine Briefmarke den Rücklauf bei postalischen Befragungen?. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 8(3), 142-158.