Publication Ethics
Please find our publication ethics here.
From the 103rd volume (2011) of the DDS, all main articles, i.e. contributions for the focus topic and for the column “Further Contributions”, will be subject to a peer review. After a preselection of the articles with regard to the orientation of the DDS by the editorial board, the texts will be subject to a double-blind review by voluntary reviewers. At the end of the review procedure, which may take at least eight weeks due to the new practice, the authors will receive a notice about the acceptance of their manuscripts (including suggestions for further revision if necessary) or about the refusal respectively. The names of the voluntary reviewers will be published in issue 1 of the following volume of the journal.
Contributions for the columns “Reports”, “Discussion” and “Reviews” will be reviewed internally by the editorial team.
Open access policy
The journal is published open access and its content is available to all readers free of charge. The individual contributions are published under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license and the rights remain with the authors, who transfer the simple rights of use to the publisher. The authors and editors do not incur any costs (APCs) for submission or publication of contributions.
The journal is indexed in FIS Bildung, pedocs, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and Proquest and further indexing is in progress.