Ausgabe 3/2023, 115. Jahrgang S. 226–233
Isabell van Ackeren-Mindl, Nina Bremm, Heinz Günter Holtappels
Addressing Educational Inequality in the Project “Potenziale entwickeln – Schulen stärken“ (Developing Potential – Strengthening Schools)
How can schools in challenging situations be supported in their development for more educational equity? How can a data-based approach and school networking promote these schools‘ improvement capacities? We addressed these questions in the research and development project “Potenziale entwickeln – Schulen stärken“ (Developing Potentials – Strengthening Schools). With 36 schools in the Ruhr Metropolis and in cooperation withthe Quality and Support Agency – State Institute for Schools (QUA-LiS NRW), we worked with a broad school development strategy and with different methodological research approaches from 2014 till 2020.
educational inequality, school development and improvement, data-driven, network-based, in-service training, resource orientation
van Ackeren-Mindl, I., Bremm, N. & Holtappels H. (2023). Adressierung von Bildungsungleichheit im Projekt „Potenziale entwickeln – Schulen stärken“. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 115(3), 226-233.