Wolfgang BeywlLars Balzer

Evaluation Capacity Building for Internal School Evaluation by Project-centered Training

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Internal evaluations are currently being discussed more intensively. The paper initially defines internal school evaluation and identifies variants, depending on the size of the evaluand and the treatment mode. Required competencies are outlined for three types of variants. The competence portfolio for internal school evaluations can be broken down to ten steps, which guide evaluation planning. The paper outlines how the skills can be acquired in an evaluation training alongside the ten steps, which includes a real evaluation project.

self-evaluation, internal evaluation, school evaluation, evaluation of teaching, improvement of teaching, school development

Beywl, W. & Balzer L. (2016). Aufbau von Evaluationskompetenzen für interne Schulevaluation durch projektbezogene Fortbildung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 108(2), 191-204. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101932