Ausgabe 3/2014, 106. Jahrgang S. 231–239
Institutions for Quality Management und Development as “Particular Subordinated Agencies”
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Lest the institutions for quality management can perform their tasks in a professionally high manner and according to the current state of research, they must work science-oriented and must be actively incorporated in the relevant scientific discourses. The institutions are no Federal Departmental Research Institutes in the narrow sense of the word, but they are also no classical subordinated agencies. Thus it is proposed to regard them as “particular subordinated agencies”. As such they have characteristics, which make it plausible to transfer to them some of the Science Council’s recommendations for Federal Departmental Research Institutes.
institutions for quality management, educational monitoring, educational research, federal agencies, departmental research, Science Council
Fickermann D. (2014). Einrichtungen zur Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung als „nachgeordnete Dienststellen besonderer Art“. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(3), 231-239.