Ausgabe 2/2014, 106. Jahrgang S. 105–118
Beate Wischer, Matthias Trautmann
‘Individual Fostering’ as Political Reform Imperative and as Academic Challenge
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In current discussions about school reform in Germany, the term ‘Individuelle Förderung’ [‘individual fostering’] is of special importance. First, the article will deal with political and administrative requirements derived from this slogan by critically investigating content matter as well as conceptual design of ‘Individuelle Förderung’. Afterwards, challenges for academic research arising from the fuzzy concept will be described. It is argued that much more attention must be paid to school specific concepts of individual fostering as a whole.
individual fostering, school development, classroom development, reform imperatives, recontextualization
Wischer, B. & Trautmann M. (2014). ‚Individuelle Förderung‘ als bildungspolitische Reformvorgabe und wissenschaftliche Herausforderung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(2), 105-118.