Ausgabe 1/2014, 106. Jahrgang S. 85–95
Educational Research from the Perspectives of Social Sciences and Jurisprudence
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Foci of educational research are the individual, social, economic, and political conditions, which influence education processes in public and private institutions. Topic of political scientific research on education is the cutting line between the educational and political systems, while jurisprudential research on education deals with the relationship between educational systems, processes, and players on the one hand and the legal order on the other. The article differentiates the two different disciplinary approaches to educational research and describes their main questions and subject areas. It looks into the emergence and development as well as into the fields and institutions of the two approaches to educational research. The article closes with four examples of forthcoming political scientific research on education.
educational consulting, educational reporting, promotion of education, educational monitoring, educational planning, political consulting
Reuter L. (2014). Bildungsforschung aus politik- und rechtswissenschaftlicher Perspektive. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(1), 85-95.