Franz PrüßSusanne Kortas

Entwicklung der schulbezogenen Jugendhilfe in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


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The development of the cooperation of schools and youth welfare services in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania has already started at the beginning of the 90s; it has been expanded purposefully and systematically and is governed by an inter-ministerial task force. The school-related youth welfare services include school-related youth work, school-related youth social work and after-school care. This cooperation is pursued in a goal-oriented manner at present, because the preconditions shall be established to bring this field of work on an ongoing basis until 2013 and make it a permanent constituent of youth welfare services at school.

school-related youth welfare, school-related youth work, school-related youth social work, school social workers, teachers as school social workers, trinity of teaching, education and care

Prüß, F. & Kortas S. (2010). Entwicklung der schulbezogenen Jugendhilfe in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 102(3), 221-236.