Andreas Schleicher

Moderne Schulleitung im Wandel

Schlussfolgerungen aus OECD-Analysen


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International research in the context of PISA has shown that school leaders can make a difference in school and student performance if they are granted autonomy to make important decisions. This article sets out some of the leadership dimensions that are conducive to improving teaching and learning. They include the support, evaluation and development of teacher quality as the core of effective leadership. They also include the setting of learning objectives and the implementation of thoughtful assessment systems. A third aspect concerns the strategic use of resources and their alignment with pedagogical purposes to focus operational activities within the school on the objective of improving teaching and learning. Last but not least, building ways in which networks of schools stimulate and spread innovation as well as collaborate to provide curriculum diversity, extended services and professional support is a fourth important dimension.

school leadership, teacher quality, teacher professional development, assessment practices

Schleicher A. (2009). Moderne Schulleitung im Wandel: Schlussfolgerungen aus OECD-Analysen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 101(4), 311-322.