Elke SumflethCorinna KierenIsabell van Ackeren

Homework Practice at Secondary Schools – Empirical Findings with Regard to a Minor Subject

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A teacher survey has been conducted to analyze the state of homework practice by the example of chemistry lessons at the end of lower secondary education in different federal German states. One of the main objectives of the study was to find out whether homework plays an essential role in chemistry instruction. On the basis of standards for the application of homework identified in current research homework practice is typified, namely concerning the frequency, the duration estimated by the teachers and the kind of the setting of tasks as well as the kind and frequency of control.

homework, chemistry instruction, task types, teaching practice, teacher survey

Sumfleth, E., Kieren, C. & van Ackeren I. (2011). Hausaufgabenpraxis im Gymnasium – Empirische Befunde am Beispiel eines ‚Nebenfachs‘. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 103(3), 252-267. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100189