Marcel HelbigRita Nikolai

The Database “Changes in School Law in the German Federal States” (SVDBL)


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In this article, we present a project in which we have reconstructed school policies of the 16 German states since 1949. The database has been developed over a period of 10 years and is continuously updated. It can be used to analyse changes in school law in a historical comparison of the German states. We also outline what kind of interdisciplinary research questions can be investigated with the help of the database, how it will be developed further in future, and how it will be made available to the professional public in the medium term.

educational inequality, database, federal states, reform, school system, school law

Helbig, M. & Nikolai R. (2021). Die Datenbank „Schulrechtliche Veränderungen in den deutschen Bundesländern“ (SVDBL). DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(4), 461-468.