Hans-Jürgen KuhnMichael Voges

Quitting the Blind Flight and Coming Out of the Crisis Strong

Secure Educational Opportunities for the Disadvantaged now!

Kurzlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART104485
.doi: https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2021.02.08

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Last year, early childhood education and care facilities and schools in Germany were closed due to the Pandemic. Regular face-to-face teaching only happened during a few weeks in the summer. In its place, distance teaching, hybrid teaching, or alternate teaching were off ered, entailing substantial consequences for students, teachers, parents, and families, and also causing learning gaps. Social contacts were reduced and there were massive strains on the psychological and physiological health of all those directly or indirectly involved in schools. Educational injustices existing before the Pandemic have increased. To keep them from growing further and becoming more stable, a rapid intervention is necessary. Th is paper demands and discusses reliable data on the cognitive, social, and psychological effects of the school closures, diagnose-based and scientifically sound support concepts, and a comprehensive support program for the educational system in order to overcome the Pandemic and emerge stronger.

Corona Pandemic, learning gaps, competency levels, federal-state program

Kuhn, H. & Voges M. (2021). Blindflug beenden und stark aus der Krise kommen: Bildungschancen für Benachteiligte jetzt sichern!. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(2), 218-226. https://doi.org/10.31244/dds.2021.02.08