Ausgabe 2/2021, 113. Jahrgang S. 174–187
Katja Kansteiner, Pierre Tulowitzki, Michael Kruger, Christoph Stamann
Leadership Development in Teacher Education
Discussion of Theses Regarding a Curricular Expansion of Teacher Education
In this article, we discuss the inclusion of the issues of leadership and management in the teaching education programs by adding them to the competence standards and we explain why its lack prevents from a necessary scientific preparation for the later professional practice. For us, expanding the issues of leadership and management into the first phase of teacher education also means contributing to leadership development. Against this background, we clarify furthermore whether a possible expansion or modification of the curricula of the first phase of teacher education can derive ideas from existing Master programs in the field of further training on leadership and management.
teacher education, leadership development, professionalization
Kansteiner, K., Tulowitzki, P., Kruger, M. & Stamann C. (2021). Führungskräfteentwicklung in der Lehramtsausbildung: Thesendiskussion zu curricularen Ergänzungen des Lehramtsstudiums. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 113(2), 174-187.