Ausgabe 3/2019, 111. Jahrgang S. 274–293
Transfer for School Improvement
Approaches and Key Factors from the Perspective of Theories and Research on School Development
The contribution is an attempt for a systematical view on approaches of transfer of knowledge and innovation in the context of school improvement policies. Previous experiences and research findings show that traditional formats of transfer as diffusion or dissemination seem to be not appropriate for effective school improvement in single schools. Organizational and innovation theories and empirical findings of school development research lead to successful new complex approaches of transfer strategies. Concepts of design-based improvement including a combination of different formats of transfer with participative and guided school development work that are suitable for establishing capacity for organizational learning in schools are recommended.
transfer, innovation, school development, design-based school improvement
Holtappels H. (2019). Transfer in der Schulentwicklung: Ansätze und Gelingensbedingungen aus der Perspektive von Schulentwicklungstheorie und -forschung. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 111(3), 274-293.