Martin SenkbeilJan Marten IhmeJörg Wittwer

The Test of Technological and Information Literacy (TILT) in the National Educational Panel Study: Development, empirical testing, and evidence for validity


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In this article, we present an assessment framework for assessing information and communication technologies literacy (ICT literacy) in the context of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). NEPS is the first study aiming to examine ICT literacy longitudinally across the lifespan using objective paper-pencil test instruments. To do so, it is necessary to develop reliable and valid test instruments that are capable of assessing ICT literacy longitudinally. On the basis of an assessment framework, we developed in an initial step an item pool for assessing the ICT literacy of secondary school students and tested the item pool in three pilot studies (Grade 5, 7 and 9). The item and scale analyses provided satisfying results and the item pool proved to be suitable for assessing ICT literacy longitudinally. In addition, validity analyses showed a satisfactory content validity and a high test fairness with regard to gender and school type. Concerning criterion validity, there were expected correlations with variables of computer familiarity.

ICT literacy; Competence-based test; Validity

Senkbeil, M., Ihme, J. & Wittwer J. (2013). The Test of Technological and Information Literacy (TILT) in the National Educational Panel Study: Development, empirical testing, and evidence for validity. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 5(2), 139-161.