Marina Wagener

Weltgesellschaftliches Lernen in Kinderpatenschaften? Empirische Befunde zu Lernerfahrungen jugendlicher Patinnen und Paten


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This article presents findings derived from an empirical research project on learning experiences of young people in Germany who sponsor a child in a country in the Global South. The study is described in terms of the research context and the methodological approach before central findings and especially three types of learning experiences (concretisation, generalisation, dissociation) are reported. The article concludes with a discussion of the findings indicating limits of global learning in child sponsoring.

Child sponsoring, global learning, reconstructive social research

Wagener M. (2018). Weltgesellschaftliches Lernen in Kinderpatenschaften? Empirische Befunde zu Lernerfahrungen jugendlicher Patinnen und Paten. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 41(1), 4-9.