Birgit ReißigFrank Tillmann

Educational Participation of Young People in Rural Regions

Empirical Findings from Rural Districts Facing Demographic Challenges


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In rural regions young people are commonly confronted with limited education opportunities – especially after leaving compulsory school. This is mainly the case in those regions, where educational infrastructure is being gradually removed due to demographic changes. The paper presents qualitative findings reflecting the view of young people from rural areas. These qualitative results are referred to results of quantitative secondary analyses of county-based context data on educational participation. On the basis of the detailed descriptions of young peoples’ circumstances of growing up and associated correlation results, policy recommendations are drawn. The local body is advised to pursue measures for improving the local perspectives of young people more strongly within a framework of regional education management.

youth, rural areas, educational participation, demographic change

Reißig, B. & Tillmann F. (2017). Bildungsteilhabe junger Menschen in ländlichen Räumen: Empirische Befunde aus Landkreisen mit demografischen Verwerfungen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(4), 308-321.