Ausgabe 2/2016, 108. Jahrgang S. 117–135
Wolfgang Böttcher, Jan Ulrich Hense
Evaluation in the Educational System – A not quite Successful Story of Success
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This article defines the concept of evaluation and describes types of evaluation with their essential features. Evaluation has succeeded internationally to establish itself as a generic research-based developmental method. It can also reflect the differences between various fields of social action (i.e. school and education) and can thus serve evidence-informed decision-making for policy and practice. The authors criticize that in the German education community the term evaluation frequently is applied to methods, which overlap with evaluation, but do not cover the full concept. This improper use is harmful for the theory, practice, and reputation of evaluation.
definition of evaluation, types and standards of evaluation, evidence-informed policy and practice, evaluation in the German education community
Böttcher, W. & Hense J. (2016). Evaluation im Bildungswesen – eine nicht ganz erfolgreiche Erfolgsgeschichte. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 108(2), 117-135.