Rolf Puderbach

Who Becomes a Teacher at First Stage Secondary Schools?

The Relevance of the Social Background and Educational Biography for Teacher Students’ Choice of a School Type on the Example of the Saxonian Mittelschule (First Stage Secondary School)


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Teacher students’ choice of a certain type of school was not in the focus of research on the career choice of teachers to-be so far. Especially about choosing the profession of teaching at German first stage secondary schools (Sekundarstufe I), there is little evidence. The article sums up the current state of research, discusses additional theoretical perspectives, and presents first empirical findings.

teacher education, teacher students, school type/type of school, secondary school, social background

Puderbach R. (2016). Wer studiert Sekundarstufe-I-Lehramt?: Die Bedeutung von sozialer Herkunft und Bildungsbiografie für die Schulformwahl von Lehramtsstudierenden am Beispiel der sächsischen Mittelschule. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 108(1), 47-66.