Matthias Rürup

Are Governmental Institutes for Quality in Education Key Figures in the German Educational System?

Governance Theoretical Approaches to a Common Theory


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How common and how new are independent governmental institutes for quality in education in Germany? Following the current debate – mostly conducted by experts from the educational administration itself – it seems that every German federal state has, since the PISA disaster, erected such institutes to collect, analyze and publish data about the quality of schools and teaching. The goal of this paper is to critically and empirically test this common assumption.

governmental institutes, public administration of schooling, educational monitoring, education politics, Educational Governance Approach, education reform, empirical research on education, evidence-based politics

Rürup M. (2014). Landesinstitute für Qualität als neue Akteure im deutschen Schulwesen? : Governancetheoretische Annäherungen an eine Alltagstheorie. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(3), 201-218.