Burkhard SchroeterUte HarmsBarbara KlühMarkus LückenJens MöllerAnna Südkamp

Kompetenzorientiert unterrichten und rückmelden

Der Hamburger Schulversuch alles»könner und das Forschungsprogramm komdif

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The Hamburg school pilot program alles»könner is a project for instruction and school development focusing on competence development of the individual student. Competence-based learning arrangements and task formats, as well as a system of formal and informal feedback are developed for this program. The establishment of a cooperative culture within and between schools to promote competence-guided, individualized education in Hamburg’s public education system is also emphasized. The pilot program komdif is a research program with participants from subject-specific fields of didactics and educational psychology working collaboratively to develop theory-guided and evidence-based models for diagnosis-based individual support of students. It is closely linked to the project alles»könner.

competence development of students, school pilot program, competence modeling, competence-guided learning arrangements

Schroeter, B., Harms, U., Klüh, B., Lücken, M., Möller, J. & Südkamp A. (2013). Kompetenzorientiert unterrichten und rückmelden: Der Hamburger Schulversuch alles»könner und das Forschungsprogramm komdif. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 105(2), 210-224. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101279