Carsten Heinze

Schoolbooks in the Process of Innovation

Research-methodological Approaches, Using the Example of the Change of Schoolbooks for Civics in the Context of the Political and Social Changes from the End of the Fift ies until the Beginning of the Eighties


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The relevance of schoolbooks for innovation processes can only be appreciated adequately if one manages to grasp the context areas, which constitute the essential requirements and preconditions for the emergence, implementation, and failure of innovations. Therefore, firstly a theory of educational innovations within the context of the “grammar of schooling” is developed in order to clarify the position of schoolbooks in the innovation process. Subsequently, the theoretical concept is exemplarily straightened with regard to Wolfgang Hilligen’s schoolbook series for civics “Sehen, Beurteilen, Handeln”. It can be shown how the motivation to change a practice may arise from the discursive construction of discrepancies.

schoolbooks, grammar of schooling, context research, political education, innovation research, didactics of civics

Heinze C. (2011). Das Schulbuch im Innovationsprozess: Forschungsmethodische Zugänge am Beispiel des Wandels der Sozialkundebücher im Kontext der gesellschaftlichen Umbrüche vom Ende der 1950er- bis zum Anfang der 1980er-Jahre. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 103(1), 38-52.