Regimeansatz – Annäherungen an ein weltweites Bildungsregime


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This article considers the currently dominating discourses within educational sciences – governance of education and performance of schools – from the perspective of a ‘post-national constellation’ (Habermas, 1998) and discusses the role of international organizations within it. Utilizing the political science theory of international regimes is suggested to better apprehend this new structure and to as-sume that an ‘international education regime’ is on the rise. While research on ‘globalization’ already focuses on the globalizing influences upon the nation-states, the emerging field of ‘international edu-cation policy’ remains undertheorized. It is now necessary to look for theoretical instruments with which to analyze this field. It can be currently observed that universal categories are being used for the implementation of very specific (education) policies.

Parreira do Amaral M. (2007). Regimeansatz – Annäherungen an ein weltweites Bildungsregime . Tertium Comparationis, 13(2), .