Mechtild Gomolla

Differenz, Anti-Diskriminierung und Gleichstellung als Aufgabenfelder von Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungsbereich: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen in Anlehnung an die Gerechtigkeitstheorie Nancy Frasers


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In recent years in German academic writing on migration and education terms like ‘Interkulturelle Öffnung’ and ‘Diversity Management/Mainstreaming’ have become popular. Compared with previous compensatory schooling of immigrant children and programmes of intercultural or antiracist education attention is shifted from single to multiple axes of difference and their dynamics; from specialised strategies to a more holistic approach, to tackle discrimination and inequality in combination with democratic education of all students; and from individuals to the educational organizations as a starting point for interventions. This article scrutinizes the theoretical shortfalls concerning phenomena of institutional discrimination and corresponding definitions of organizational/institutional change within current diversity discourses in education (1). To develop a theoretically sound basis for educational policies and pedagogics, which are feasible to address educational demands of plural societies and to tackle discrimination and inequality in its multiple forms, Nancy Fraser’s moral philosophical conception of democratic justice will be introduced (2). Against the backdrop of this analytical framework main educational policy responses to immigration will be discussed (3). The innovative project ‘Kinderwelten’, which challenges sexism, racism, handicappism and other forms of discrimination in nursery education, will be investigated more closely, highlighted by findings of empirical studies carried out by the author (4).

Gomolla M. (2010). Differenz, Anti-Diskriminierung und Gleichstellung als Aufgabenfelder von Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungsbereich: Konzeptionelle Überlegungen in Anlehnung an die Gerechtigkeitstheorie Nancy Frasers. Tertium Comparationis, 16(2), .