International Insights: Equality in Education

Educational institutions should offer a safe and secure environment for young people. Part of that should be educational equity, which is a measure of achievement, fairness, and opportunity in education. This publication analyses and discusses educational equality from different angles. All contributions reflect on the current situation of 11 European countries. All of them are part of the Bologna process and are dealing with the challenges of the development of a European Higher Education Area. This ongoing process is reflected in the present publication, with a specific focus on equality in education.

The authors cover aspects like inclusion and inequality, internationalizing education, and accessing education, but they also deal with learning foreign languages, education for the future, assessment, feedback and student success, lifelong learning, teacher training as well as different aspects of the LGB(T+) community and gender and education.


Positiv fällt am besprochenen Buch die thematische Breite der einzelnen Kapitelbeiträge auf, welche die Gleichheit (Ungleichheit) in der Bildung aus einer Vielzahl von analytischen Perspektiven einer genaueren Betrachtung zuführen. Ferner werden innovative Bezüge zu Bereichen hergestellt und diskutiert wie: Bildung und Kunst, Bildung und Demokratie sowie Bildung und Gender.
David F. J. Campbell, in: zeitschrift für hochschulrecht, hochschulmanagement und hochschulpolitik 2/2020, S. 71.

Overall, this book is of significance to furthering work on equality, diversity and inclusion within education across the globe. The nuances in different approaches to tackling injustice coupled with the continued theme of moral conviction to enact the true power of education helps to ensure that this book is a valuable contribution to the EDI agenda within education.
Andrew Grace (2020): International insights: equality in education, Journal of Education for Teaching, DOI: 10.1080/02607476.2020.1841474.

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