Contemporary Challenges in Education

Vana ChiouLotte GeunisOliver HolzNesrin Oruç ErtürkJustyna Ratkowska-PasikowskaFiona Shelton (Hrsg.)

Contemporary Challenges in Education

Paradoxes and Illuminations

2023,  Voices from the classroom,  Band 3,  552  Seiten,  broschiert,  59,00 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4697-7

Mit Beiträgen von
Maria AleksandrovichChristos AlpochoritisDunja AnđićSissy BarakariYesim Bektas-CetinkayaIna BerningerFranziska BonnaMaria BoutzarelouMelanie BrookMegan CarrE. Maria ChatzinikolaVana ChiouWendy ConradMaria DarraKatrijn D’HerdtAnastasia DimitraHenrik DindasOndrej DudaParaskevi EleftheriouGillian ForresterAikaterini GariGeorgios GaitanosLotte GeunisChristos GovarisBerna GüryayZoi HajopoulouOliver HolzRuth Hudson-GillGolam JamilAlena JůvováEurydice-Maria KanellopoulouStavroula KaldiDimitris KavroudakisStamatina KioussiAikaterini KlonariJames KnightAnastassios KodakosE. Vasiliki KostoulaKonstantina KoutroubaAnna KrämerAngeliki LazaridouKatie LuptonElisabeth Desiana MayasariIrina Mrvolkak-TheodoropoulouEleni N. NikolaouEkaterini NikolareaVassiliki NikolopoulouAmanda NuttallCatherine O’ConnerKonstantinos OikonomouNesrin Oruç ErtürkVasileios F. PapavasileiouMarina PappaChristos ParthenisSławomir PasikowskiBartłomiej PielakMaria PoulouJim PughArno ReynaertVassiliki RigaOurania RizouAimilia RouvaliJane RowleyAmena ShakirFiona SheltonLamprini SiouliMałgorzata SłowikJan SpringobDimitrios StafidasPanagiotis J. StamatisSanja Tatalović VorkapićAlexandra TheodorouAlison TornG. Soultana TourkomanoliAssimina TsibidakiVassiliki TzikaMaria TzotzouAndromachi Bouna-VailaAikaterini VassiouGloria VisintiniAdrijana Višnjić-JevtićMarek VítRuth WilsonHelena ZitkováMarijana Županić-Benić

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Every day educators are presented with enlightening insights, questions, and encounters which reveal how students engage in learning, how new ideas can impact positively on student outcomes and how - when challenges are uncovered - there can be a sense of puzzlement where rethinking of pedagogical approaches is critical for student success. In this volume of Voices from the Classroom, "Contemporary Challenges in Education - Paradoxes and Illuminations", an international team of authors explores paradoxes, shares illuminations and invites you to reflect on educational practices to enhance pedagogy, scaffold learning and keep pace with educational advancements.

This collection written by students, teachers, researchers and higher education instructors discusses education across all phases of learning. It explores issues such as instructional scaffolding in kindergarten, understanding transition through children’s voices, youth participation in curriculum development of sex education, delivering crisis assistance to university students and staff in times of conflict in Ukraine, using augmented reality for transformative learning, co-creating university practices with staff and students, and how inclusive practices can help meet the needs of international postgraduate students. This comprehensive and diverse collection will have wide appeal for teachers, headmasters, stakeholders in the area of education and all those working in different educational contexts.

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