Evaluation of School Inclusion

Monika TannenbergerováPetr FučíkKarel PančochaMartin Vrubel

Evaluation of School Inclusion

Mission (Im)possible

2018,  162  Seiten,  E-Book (PDF),  26,99 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-8771-0

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How can we ascertain that a school is inclusive enough? Not only officials and stakeholders but also school representatives themselves ask that ques tion very often. However, finding the answer is not as easy as it might seem. Our team, thus, decided to assemble a “guide” which might come to their assistance. This book summarizes the results of our work.
The first chapter is a summary of the main reasons why we support and advocate school inclusion. In the second chapter we answer the question “What is school inclusion?”. The third chapter then introduces basic indicators which form school inclusion. A short overview of Czech research in the field of school inclusion in the last few years follows in the fourth chapter. The last and most extensive chapter presents the results of our effort to create a tool for school inclusion evaluation. Here you can find both an evaluation and auto­evaluation tool design including its qualitative and quantitative design.

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