Philipp Klutz
Translated from the German by
Noemi Lakmaier
Religious Education Faces the Challenge of Religious Plurality
A Qualitative-Empirical Study in Vienna
2016, Religious Diversity and Education in Europe, Band 32, 270 Seiten, paperback, 39,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3495-0
This study dedicates itself to Vienna, which like other European cities, is characterised by a high degree of religious plurality. The study employs a qualitative-empirical approach, in order to take a close look at the discourse around RE within two schools for upper secondary education, where it is coming up against its organisational limits. This study analyses group discussions with RE teachers and with members of the school community committee (an elected body consisting of teacher, pupil and parent representatives, as well as the head of school). Research into these often implicit attitudes towards religion and RE is vital for the development of future oriented forms of RE. This study consequently offers a valuable contribution to context sensitive religious education studies.
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Dieses Buch ist auch auf deutsch erhältlich.
Die Studie besticht durch die sorgfältige Einbettung in den religionspädagogischen Diskurs um verschiedene Modelle des Religionsunterrichts und den hierfür relevanten empirischen Indizien. [...] Was die Arbeit von Klutz [...] leistet, ist ein Vademecum an hilfreichen Fragen bei der Implementierung jeglicher neuer Unterrichtsmodelle oder generell bei der Bewältigung von Schulentwicklungsprozessen, die doch allzu häufig ‚top down‘ diktiert werden.
Dominik Helbling in: Österreichisches Religionspädagogisches Forum