Duda, Ondrej

Ondřej Duda, Master’s degree in English and Arts teaching, PhD candidate in Education, is Assistant Professor of the English language at the Institute of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc. He teaches sociolinguistics, language practice, language skills, culture and history courses as well as ELT courses. In his work, he focuses on developing professional competences of English teachers. His recent academic interest involves the theme of developing the sociolinguistic competence of future teachers of English and learners’ motivation to learn foreign languages. He is a member of the Czech Pedagogical Society and an author of academic articles on the issue of English language teaching methodology.

ORCID:  0000-0001-9101-5854

Contemporary Challenges in Education

Contemporary Challenges in Education

Paradoxes and Illuminations

2023,  552  Seiten,  broschiert,  59,00 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4697-7

International Insights: Equality in Education

International Insights: Equality in Education

2019,  246  Seiten,  broschiert,  39,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4022-7