Reihana-Morunga, Tia

Tia Reihana-Morunga (Ngāti Hine) has worked extensively in Indigenous arts education in in Australia, United Kingdom and Aotearoa, New Zealand. Currently a professional teaching fellow at the University of Auckland lecturing in dance education, history, and Contemporary Māori Performance, Tia also works extensively in Indigenous health. A doctoral candidate at the University of Auckland, her research explores community and formal sites of arts education, informed by Indigenous ways of knowing and doing.

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 5/2017

International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education 5/2017

Arts Education around the World: Comparative Research Seven Years after the Seoul Agenda

2018,  424  Seiten,  paperback,  44,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3797-5

Place as the Aesthetic: an Indigenous Perspective of Arts Education

Artikel in der Zeitschrift „International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education“

1. Jahrgang, 1/2023

Place as the Aesthetic: an Indigenous Perspective of Arts Education

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