Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun

Professor Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt is Director of OZI (Ortrun Zuber International P/L), specialising in action learning and action research, leadership development programmes, postgraduate research training and supervision, all including qualitative research methods. She is also Adjunct Professor at Griffith University (Brisbane, Australia) and Extraordinary Professor at North-West University (Potchefstroom, South Africa). She has four doctoral degrees and has published widely, including 38 books, about 60 book chapters, over 50 refereed articles, and over 50 educational video programmes. She was the convenor of the First World Congress on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management (Brisbane 1990).

Theorie und Praxis verzahnen<br />Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen

Theorie und Praxis verzahnen
Lebenslanges Lernen an Hochschulen

Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Bund-Länder-Wettbewerbs Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen

2016,  288  Seiten,  broschiert,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3374-8