Park, Eun Young

Eun Young Park (born in 1983 in Seoul, Republic of Korea) acquired her Secondary School Teacher degree in the Republic of Korea (B.A. in English Education at Ewha Womans University) and the first state exam for secondary schools in Germany (M.Ed. in Educational Science and English at Ruhr University Bochum). In 2023, she completed her doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) at the Institute of Educational Science (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Paderborn University) in Germany. Her key areas of research interest lie in comparative education and intercultural as well as multicultural education within the context of internationalization and teacher education. She is currently working as the Program Head of English in the Division of Foreign Languages at the Center for Higher Education (TU Dortmund University) and as the Cordinator for Internationalization of Teacher Education at PLAZ – Professional School of Education (Paderborn University) in Germany.

Internationalization of Higher Education

Internationalization of Higher Education

A comparative perspective on support for international students in the United States of America, Republic of Korea, and Germany

2024,  224  Seiten,  paperback,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4885-8