Sokka-Meaney, Eija Liisa

Eija Liisa Sokka-Meaney was a lecturer, class teacher and a teacher trainer at the University Teacher Training School in Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), from 1981 to 2015. Prior to that she taught for several years in a municipal primary school. She has a Diploma in Translating and Interpreting and an M.Ed. For twenty years she taught international students and was the School’s coordinator for international relations. She organized CEDEFOP study visits for educational specialists and many other international visits for educational staff and students, as well as herself making exchange visits and participating in educational conferences. She is coordinating projects and is currently teaching a course on the Finnish school system to international students at the Teacher Training School.

Portfolioarbeit phasenübergreifend gestalten

Portfolioarbeit phasenübergreifend gestalten

Konzepte, Ideen und Anregungen aus der LehrerInnenbildung

2016,  248  Seiten,  broschiert,  24,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3427-1