Holz, Oliver
Oliver Holz, Prof. Dr. phil., M.A. (1970); MA in educational sciences and psychology; PhD in educational sciences; coordinator and organiser of European network(s); research with the emphasis on comparative educational science; employed at the KU Leuven, various publications on relevant educational subjects.
ORCID: 0000-0001-6707-3923
Veröffentlichungen bei WAXMANN:
Internationale Lehrkräfte für die Schule von morgen
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International Teachers for Tomorrow's School
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Contemporary Challenges in Education
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Voices from the Classroom: A Celebration of Learning
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International Insights: Equality in Education
2019, 246 Seiten, broschiert, 39,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4022-7
Discussions on homosexuality in education across Europe
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Genderrechtvaardige vorming en opvoeding in diverse landen
2013, 190 Seiten, broschiert, 29,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-2869-0
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