Hannah Kanz

When sleep deprivation means success. Interpretative frames and discursive practices of a breastfeeding support group

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART103974

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Parenting culture is increasingly permeated by diverting and competitive moral interpretations and imperatives. Seemingly marginal decisions for or against parenting methods have become questions of identity. Based on ethnographic research, this paper analyzes a breastfeeding support group as part of the breastfeeding advocacy dispositif and, thus, a place where the attachment parenting discourse is actualized. Singular everyday experiences are classified into discourse-specific interpretative frames within the group discussions. I argued that participating mothers, thereby, practice the handling of criticism and adopt discourse-typical positioning and identity offerings.

parenting culture, ideologies of motherhood, attachment parenting, breastfeeding advocacy discourse, discourse actualization, identity work

APA citation
Kanz H. (2019). When sleep deprivation means success. Interpretative frames and discursive practices of a breastfeeding support group. Journal for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, 4(1), 82-100. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART103974