Issue 3/2021, 44. Volume Page 22–26
Katarina Rončević, Micha Pallesche
Aktivismus und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Schule? Herausforderungen und Chancen im Umgang mit Aktivismus der Schüler/-innen
The climate protection movement of young people, Fridays for Future, on the streets is also finding its way into school and raises questions about tasks and functions of formal education. But how can activism and formal education go hand in hand? What potential does this open up? What space does school offer? And where are limits? Based on experiences and reflections from the implementation of the Schools for Earth project, this article shows potentials, but also challenges for young people's engagement in school. Concrete options for action are discussed on the basis of activities at the Ernst-Reuter-Gemeinschaftsschule in Karlsruhe, which is part of the project. The focus is on the extent to which these activities can take into account both the requirements of school education and the needs of young activists.
Activism, formal education, participation
APA citation
Rončević, K. & Pallesche M. (2021). Aktivismus und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Schule? Herausforderungen und Chancen im Umgang mit Aktivismus der Schüler/-innen. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 44(3), 22-26.