Issue 1/2023, 22. Volume Page 55–75
Christopher Banditt, Margit Reimann, Juliane Wawrzynek
The Evaluation of an Evaluation as a Second-order Observation
A Meta-Evaluation of the Internal Accreditation of Study Programs at a System-accredited University
A meta-evaluation is commonly understood as an “evaluation of an evaluation”. The article shows that the accreditation of study programs can also be meta-evaluated if an evaluative approach is inherent in it. The presentation of an approach for meta-evaluation of internal program accreditation at a system-accredited university pursues the corresponding conceptual implications. These include the establishment of criteria for determining the quality of accreditation and the collection of appropriate information resources for its evaluation. The presentation of the goals, the design and the operationalization of the meta-evaluation is followed by an outlook on its implementation. A final conclusion is devoted to the question of the suitability of the concept presented here for the evaluation of an internal accreditation process and the added value in the organizational structure of a system-accredited university.
Program Accreditation, Study Program Evaluation, Quality of Accreditation, Meta-Evaluation
APA citation
Banditt, C., Reimann, M. & Wawrzynek J. (2023). Die Evaluierung einer Evaluierung als Beobachtung zweiter Ordnung: Eine Metaevaluation der internen Akkreditierung von Studienprogrammen an einer systemakkreditierten Hochschule. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 22(1), 55-75.