Kerstin GufflerMarian WittenbergLaura KunertAmélie Gräfin zu Eulenburg

Challenges and Findings of (Project) Evaluations Across German
Organisations in the Area of Development Cooperation


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DEval’s meta-evaluation examines the application of quality standards in 296 central (project) evaluations across eleven German governmental and non-governmental development cooperation organisations. For this purpose, an analysis grid was developed at the interface of quality standards defined by the OECD/DAC and the DeGEval, thus being relevant for a large number of organisations. The results show that the majority of given quality standards are applied by the organisations assessed, however application appears not to be based on a systematic awareness or understanding of evaluation quality. It is therefore recommended to explicitly define quality standards in organisational documents as well as to document application or non-application at the level of individual evaluations.

Meta-Evaluation, OECD/DAC Standards, DeGEval Standards, Cross-organisational

APA citation
Guffler, K., Wittenberg, M., Kunert, L. & Gräfin zu Eulenburg A. (2023). Herausforderungen und Erkenntnisse der organisationsübergreifenden Meta-Evaluierung von (Projekt-)Evaluierungen in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 22(1), 12-38.