Anita SandmeierUlrike HankeMartin Gubler

Development and Validation of a Practice-Oriented Evaluation
Instrument for Measuring and Optimising Learning Transfer


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Building on existing measuring instruments and their advantages and disadvantages, this article describes the development of a scientifi cally valid as well as practically applicable evaluation instrument for the optimisation of learning transfer of continuing vocational education and training (CVET). The survey comprises 31 items covering the learning field (i.e., the CVET activity itself), the functional field (i.e., the work context) as well as the actual learning transfer. Analyses of reliability, factor structure and predictive validity show that, despite its brevity, the new instrument meets scientific requirements and can be applied in practice to measure economically the learning transfer of CVET activities.

Training, Professional Development, Measurement, Transfer

APA citation
Sandmeier, A., Hanke, U. & Gubler M. (2021). Entwicklung und Validierung eines praxistauglichen Evaluationsinstruments zur Messung und Optimierung von Lerntransfer. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 20(1), 11-36.