Christina Mogg

Health Promotion through Supervision – Effectiveness of Individual Supervision as a Support Measure for Teachers


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In this evaluation study, the impact of a one-term individual supervision for primary school teachers in Vienna was evaluated, using a mixed methods approach. The effects of supervision on health-related variables were examined in a quasi-experimental design and the practical aspects of supervision were discussed in a focus group with supervisors. The test results consistently point to the positive effects of supervision. Supervision is seen as a support for teachers to reflect their working life regularly with a preventive and health-promoting effect. The results of this study correspond to the positive effects of supervision described in the literature.

Evaluation Study, Supervision, Teaching Profession, Health Promotion

APA citation
Mogg C. (2020). Gesundheitsförderung durch Supervision – zur Wirksamkeit von Einzelsupervision als Unterstützungsmaßnahme für Lehrkräfte. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 19(1), 85-110.