Issue 1/2019, 18. Volume Page 77–96
Effects of Gender Equality Programmes: Impact Evaluation of the „Women Professors Programme“
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The "Women Professors Programme", which started in 2008 in Germany, aims at increasing the percentage of women professors and at strengthening structural change in gender equality. The approach of a rigorous impact evaluation enables to analyse causal effects of the programme on the representation of women professors. Pre-post-measurement and calculating differences in difference reveal an effect of 1.8% by which the percentage of women professors increased more in participating than in non-participating universities. Selection bias don't have any effect on the impact. A time series analysis proves that nationwide the percentage of women professors increased more than expected by the annual growth rate of the previous years. How the effects emerge inside the universities rests an open research question. The impact evaluation of the "Women Professors Programme" realizes a quasiexperimental design in a political area in which rigorous impact evaluations are scarce.
Impact Evaluation, Gender Equality, Higher Education, Program Evaluation
APA citation
Löther A. (2019). Wirkungen von gleichstellungspolitischen Programmen: Rigorose Wirkungsevaluation des Professorinnenprogramms. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 18(1), 77-96.