Issue 1/2017, 16. Volume Page 73–96
Evaluation of the Admission Procedure of a Distance Learning Degree Program by Means of the Study Success
Predicting the Study Success through Study-Related Learning Tests, English Tests, Objective Achievement Motivation Tests, Intelligence Tests and Admission Interviews
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The aim of the present study is to evaluate the admission procedure (i.e. study-related learning test, English test, objective achievement motivation test, intelligence test, admission interview) of the study program ‘Business Administration & Economic Psychology (Bachelor)’ with a high proportion of distance education with the accepted students’ (N=267) academic success. The analyses of variance show that successful students achieved better results in the study-related learning test compared to less successful students. The results of the other modules of the admission procedure were not as distinct. The regression analyses reveal that the study-related learning test and the intelligence test are significant predictors of the first term’s grade point average, whereas for the second term’s grade point average only the study-related learning test is a significant predictor. It is discussed that the study-related learning test measures the required subject-specific and distance learning-specific abilities, which are important for studying successfully later on, indirectly.
Academic Entrance Exam, Admission Procedure, Academic Success, Distance Learning
APA citation
Wahl, I. & Walenta C. (2017). Evaluierung des Aufnahmeverfahrens eines Fernstudiengangs anhand des Studienerfolges: Vorhersage des Studienerfolges durch studienbezogene Lerntests, Englischtests, objektive Leistungsmotivationstests, Intelligenztests und Eignungsinterviews. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 16(1), 73-96.