Issue 1/2017, 16. Volume Page 9–36
Anke Rehhausen, Lena Franziska Burchartz
Analysis Framework Development for the Evaluation of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Germany
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Despite ten years of practical experience of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Germany, a cross-sectoral SEA evaluation is still missing. International and national evaluations show that case study analysis is a suitable method to evaluate SEA. This article presents the development of an evaluation method and analysis framework, which can be used for SEA evaluation in Germany by case study analysis. Evaluation criteria and indicators have been developed on the basis of the international SEA state of research and have been subjected to validation by a one-stop delphi. The developed analysis framework has been tested for applicability on the basis of two case studies. The developed evaluation method using document analysis and interview as well as an analysis framework is proven feasible and further case studies shall therefore be evaluated by the presented method in future.
Evaluation Criteria, Case Study Analysis, Strategic Environmental Assessment
APA citation
Rehhausen, A. & Burchartz L. (2017). Entwicklung eines Analyseschemas für die Evaluation der Strategischen Umweltprüfung in Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 16(1), 9-36.